Agencies typically record timesheets to measure job profitability, recoverability and employee utilisation but there...
Planning for corporation tax
Around a quarter of the companies in the UK have a December year-end, and most of those will have only seen their 2022...
Tailored management accounts for agencies
There’s not a lot of point in having quarterly or monthly management accounts prepared unless they’re tailored to your...
How to improve an agency’s job profitabilty
Job profitability is a key driver of an agency's success and financial health. It enables financial stability, growth,...
How changing VAT schemes can help agency cash flow
Managing cash flow is a crucial aspect of running any business, and for marketing and communications agencies, it can...
Beware of the agency vanity metrics
You’ve heard the phrase that starts ‘turnover is vanity’ many times. When it comes to agencies, staff headcount and...
Dividends may no longer be the most tax efficient way to extract profits from a limited company
You could pay more tax than you need to if you continue to pay yourself from your limited company with a low salary...
Investing in training – the agency dilemma
A simple conversation on learning and development can typify the dilemma. Consider the following exchange that often...
Why agencies should consider hiring apprentices
This week marks National Apprenticeship Week, a time for agencies to explore the incredible benefits of employing...